Synapse: Help Command

This post is just how to use the help command from mssparkutils.

You can use help at various levels of Synapse.


The following command will tell you what areas help can assist you in. This will respond with

  • fs
  • notebook
  • credentials
  • env
from notebookutils import mssparkutils

If you leave the help command empty it will just return all options that are available for help. If you put a command in then it will explain that command in greater detail.

from notebookutils import mssparkutils'cp')


Synapse: Mounts

This post is how to work with mounts on Synapse.

I suggest mounting to an ADLS storage account. That is what I will assume in the below examples.

List Mounts
from notebookutils import mssparkutils

Get Mount Path

The output of this command will produce ‘/synfs/<number>/mnt/<CONTAINER_NAME>’

from notebookutils import mssparkutils

mount_name = "/mnt/<CONTAINER_NAME>"
mount_path = mssparkutils.fs.getMountPath(mount_name)
from notebookutils import mssparkutils

mount_name = "/mnt/<CONTAINER_NAME>"
Mount Using a Linked Service

First you must have a linked service created to the storage account. This linked service must be hard-coded and not parameterized in any way.

from notebookutils import mssparkutils

container = '<CONTAINER_NAME>'
storage_account = '<STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME>'
sub_folder = '<SUB_FOLDER>' #it should be noted that this isn't required.
linked_service_name = '<LINKED_SERVICE_NAME>'

    source='abfss://' % (container, storage_account, sub_folder),
    mountPoint='/mnt/%s' % (container),
    {'linkedService':linked_service_name, 'fileCacheTimeout': 120, 'timeout': 120}
Mount Using Configs

You will need to get the secret. Refer to Synapse: Get Secret

from notebookutils import mssparkutils

client_id = '<CLIENT_ID>'
tenant_id = '<TENANT_ID>'
container = '<CONTAINER_NAME>'
storage_account = '<STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME>'
sub_folder = '<SUB_FOLDER>' #it should be noted that this isn't required.

configs = {
  "": "OAuth",
  "": "org.apache.fs.azurebfs.oauth2.ClientCredsTokenProvider",
  "": client_id,
  "": secret,
  "": "" tenant_id + "/oauth2/token"

  source='abfss://' % (container, storage_account, sub_folder),
  mountPoint='/mnt/%s' % (container),


Synapse: Get Secret

This post is how to get a secret from a key vault in Synapse.

If you have Data Exfiltration enabled (which is recommended) then you need to have a Managed Private Endpoint setup to your KeyVault.

You also need to ensure your Synapse Managed Identity has access to your Key Vault.

You also need a un-parameterized Linked Service Created.

Then you can query your Key Vault to get the secret with the following command.

from notebookutils import mssparkutils

secret = mssparkutils.credentials.getSecret('<KEY_VAULT_NAME>', '<SECRET_KEY>', '<LINKED_SERVICE_KEYVAULT_NAME>')