In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to add a marker to the map. Refer to the documentation for more information.
Before We Begin:
- Refer to how to Build a React/Python Site to get your basic site up and running.
- Refer to Basic Leaflet Map to get your basic leaflet control up and running.
- Refer to Leaflet LayerGroup to get your layer group defined
LayerGroup onAdd Method
//Define the marker. Since this is text based their is no icon but instead a divIcon this.textMarker = L.marker([20.5, -0.09],{ icon: L.divIcon({ iconSize: [100,16], iconAnchor: [22, 30], className: "", }), zIndexOffset: 75, }); //Sets the text this.textMarker.options.icon.options.html = "This is my text"; //Adds the text marker to the layer this.addLayer(this.textMarker);
LayerGroup onRemove Method
//Remove the text marker you just added this.removeLayer(this.textMarker);
Results: Now you will see as you turn the layer on and off from the context menu the text will show or hide.
Import Image:
import myImagefrom "../images/myImage.png";
Create Icon/Marker onAdd Method
//Define the icon you will be using var myIcon = L.icon({ iconUrl: myImage, iconSize: [75, 75], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [22, 94], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location }); //Define the icon based marker this.marker = L.marker([20.5, -40.09],{ icon: myIcon, opacity: 0.7, zIndexOffset: 30 }); //Adds the icon marker to the layer this.addLayer(this.marker);
onRemove Method
//Remove the marker you just added this.removeLayer(this.marker);
Results: Now you will see as you turn the layer on and off from the context menu the icon will show or hide.
Set Latitude/Longitude:
You can set the latitude and longitude in one of two ways.
//Set the latitude and longitude //Method 1: L.marker([20.5, -0.09]) //Method 2: this.textMarker.setLatLng([20.5, -0.09]);
marker.on("click", function(e) { var marker =; //Do my work here }.bind(this));
marker.on("mouseover", function(e) { var marker =; //Do my work here }.bind(this));
marker.on("mouseout", function(e) { var marker =; //Do my work here }.bind(this));
marker.bindPopup(L.popup(),{ offset: L.point(0,-10) //You can add an offset if you want to });
Let’s say you want to open the popup during a mouseover event.
marker.on("mouseover", function(e) { var marker =; //Set the content to display in the popup marker.setPopupContent("My Text"); //Now open the popup marker.openPopup(); }.bind(this));
Let’s say you want to open the popup during a mouseout event.
marker.on("mouseout", function(e) { var marker =; //Close the popup now marker.closePopup(); }.bind(this));
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