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In this tutorial I will give a brief demonstration on how to write a custom dropwizard command.
So below you will see the command class and how we are creating and registering a command line param called “test” which is a Boolean.
package ca.gaudreault.mydropwizardapp; import io.dropwizard.cli.Command; import io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Namespace; import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.Subparser; public class MyCommand extends Command { protected MyCommand() { super("myCommand", "This is a sample command"); } @Override public void configure(Subparser subparser) { subparser.addArgument("-test").required(true).type(Boolean.class).dest("test").help("Does something really awesome"); } @Override public void run(Bootstrap<?> bootstrap, Namespace namespace) throws Exception { System.out.println("MyCommand " + namespace.getBoolean("test")); } }
If you remember from part 1 of this series you created the based Dropwizard app. So you should have a class called “MyDropwizardAppApplication”. Open that now and modify the “initialize” like the below. Note that we are only adding the “addCommand”.
@Override public void initialize(final Bootstrap bootstrap) { bootstrap.addCommand(new MyCommand()); }
Executing Command
Basically now we can just call our JAR file and pass the following arguments to it.
myCommand -test false
You will see once it runs that following
MyCommand false