CouchDB Testing

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CouchDB is a NoSQL type of database. CouchBase is related but different entirely.

Installation on Windows is rather simple just follow the prompts. Just download from here. Once installed it is viewable from http://localhost:5984/_utils/. It has a max document size of 4GB but you can see all base configurations from here. CouchDB is a document db. If you come from a traditional relational setting then you might get frustrated at first because well querying documents is slow at first because you need to create a view. A view basically is kind of like an index from relational setting. Each different way you query the data you need to create a view. What get’s a little ridiculous is that as your data grows the view isn’t updated with newest data till the view is called. So at first it’s slow but each time it gets queried it gets faster. It uses the map reduce context to creating views. If you are not familiar with map reduce it’s basically just JavaScript.

I will have more later as I test more and more.

I have done some testing with a view and can give you some syntax for writing one.

 function(doc) {
      //Add any code you want
      emit(key, output);