CouchBase Testing

(Last Updated On: )

CouchBase is a NoSQL type of database.

Installation on Windows is rather simple just follow the prompts. Just download from here. Unfortunately at this time CouchBase on Windows wants you disable the firewall. I don’t recommend this and due to this critical issue itself do not currently recommend this until it has been fixed. Once installed it is viewable from http://localhost:8091. It has a max document size of 20MB but you can see all base configurations from here. CouchBase is a document db. It has fast importing of documents. CouchBase has views as like CouchDB. A view in CouchBase is like querying for data but not like CouchDB’s views. CouchBase still has Index’s. It’s view has a fast view rebuild which makes querying data faster than in CouchDB. It uses the map reduce context to creating views. If you are not familiar with map reduce it’s basically just JavaScript.

I will have more later as I test more and more.

I have done some testing with a view and can give you some syntax for writing one.

 function(doc, meta) {
      emit(, output);