This post is how to work with tags for Azure resources.
Install Graph Extension
az extension add --name resource-graph
Tag List
az tag list --subscription <NAME>
Query for Specific Tag Value
az graph query -q "project name, resourceGroup, type, tags | where tags.<TAGNAME>=~'<VALUE>'"
Query for Multiple Tags
az graph query -q "project name, resourceGroup, type, tags | where tags.<TAGNAME>=~'<VALUE>' | where tags.<TAGNAME>=~'<VALUE>'"
Query for Resource Groups
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | project name, type, tags | where tags.<TAGNAME>=~'<VALUE>'"
Query For Multiple Resource Types
az graph query -q "project name, resourceGroup, type, tags | where tags.<TAGNAME>=~'<VALUE>' | where type =~ 'microsoft.sql/servers/databases' or type =~ ''"