This post will show you how to install the Azure CLI.
First you need to install the CLI.
Once it is installed you can set your config directory. This is useful for having multiple logins going at the same time.
You can then login. There are different ways to do that
Way 1: This will popup a login where you enter your login credentials
- az login
Way 2: This will ask you for password via the command line
- az login -u <YOUR_LOGIN>
Way 3:
- az login -u <YOUR_LOGIN> -p <YOUR_PASSWORD>
Way 4: logs in as a service principal
- az login --service-principal --user-name <SPN_ID> --password <SPN_KEY> --tenant <TENANTID>
Show your Account
- az account show
Set Account Subscription
- az account set -s <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>
List Tags For A Resource
- az tag list --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION_NAME>
Install Graph
- az extension add --name resource-graph
Query for Anything that Has a Tag
- az graph query -q "resourceGraoup, type, tags" | where tags.<TAG_NAME>=~'<VALUE>'
Query for More than One Tag
- az graph query -q "resourceGraoup, type, tags" | where tags.<TAG_NAME>=~'<VALUE>' | tags.<TAG_NAME>=='<VALUE>'
Query Type
- az graph query -q "resourceGroup, type, tags" | where type =~ 'microsoft.sql/servers/databases'