- AWS: Python Setup
- AWS: Python Kinesis Streams
- AWS: Python S3
If you haven’t already done so please refer to the AWS setup section which is part of this series. As time goes on I will continually update this section.
To work with S3 you need to utilise the “connection_s3” you setup already in the previous tutorial on setting up the connection.
To load a file from a S3 bucket you need to know the bucket name and the file name.
connection_s3.Object(##S3_BUCKET##, ##FILE_NAME##).load()
If you want to check if the check if a file exists on S3 you do something like the below. However you will need to import botocore.
import botocore def keyExists(key): file = connection_s3.Object(##S3_BUCKET##, ##FILE_NAME##) try: file.load() except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: exists = False else: exists = True return exists, file
If you want to copy a file from one bucket to another or sub folder you can do it like below.
connection_s3.Object(##S3_DESTINATION_BUCKET##, ##FILE_NAME##).copy_from(CopySource=##S3_SOURCE_BUCKET## + '/' + ##FILE_NAME##)
If you want to delete the file you can use the “keyExists” function above and then just call “delete”.
If you want to just get a bucket object. Just need to specify what bucket and utilise the S3 connection.
bucket = connection_s3.Bucket(##S3_BUCKET##)
To upload a file to S3’s bucket. You need to set the body, type and name. Take a look at the below example.
bucket.put_object(Body=##DATA##,ContentType="application/zip", Key=##FILE_NAME##)
If you want to loop over the objects in a bucket. It’s pretty straight forward.
for key in bucket.objects.all(): file_name = key.key response = key.get() data = response_get['Body'].read()
If you want to filter objects in a bucket.
for key in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix='##PREFIX##').all(): file_name = key.key response = key.get() data = response_get['Body'].read()